

The purpose of the 送餐上门 program is to provide warm, 向联盟中被关在家中或身体无法获取食物或自己准备食物的人提供营养膳食. Therapeutic meals are also offered, with dietary needs followed as per your primary care provider's instructions.

Box Butte总医院's Dietary Department provides a rotation menu, repeating the meal plan every 10 days. Meals are delivered by community volunteers or hospital employees, 如果需要, 为了帮助控制成本,使尽可能多的符合条件的居民负担得起这个计划. 如果收件人有兴趣接收由卫生和人类服务部支付的送餐,收件人必须首先 complete an application for the Social 服务 for the Aged and Disabled Program. This may be done by contacting Access Nebraska at 1-800-383-4278, 去当地的办公室, 或者上网 http://dhhs-access-neb-menu.ne.gov/start/?tl=en 填写申请表格. Once an application is obtained a worker will contact the recipient to determine eligibility. If it is determined that the applicant is indeed eligible, authorizations will then be created for the recipient to start receiving delivered meals. 

If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to call BBGH's Dietary Department at 308.762.4357 Ext. 3360. We are pleased to provide meals to people meeting the criteria.


志愿者s are always welcome to help deliver meals to residents participating in the program. Here is what to expect as a volunteer:

Meals are ready for pick up at the BBGH kitchen at 11 a.m., with the easiest access being the main entrance. Dietary Staff will have the meals in a cooler and another tray of cold items loaded, 都放到车上, which the volunteer will wheel to his or her car. After loading the vehicle, the cart is left to the side, away from the entrance. When the volunteer returns from their deliveries, 他们被要求把购物车还回去, 把冷却器和托盘送到厨房.

请联络308.762.4357 Ext. 3360咨询如何为需要这项服务的居民提供温暖、营养的膳食.

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